Exhibiting is an efficient, effective and essential way to raise your profile in the southern manufacturing sector.
With a booth, you will have direct contact with decision makers from assembly, quality and adhesive manufacturing companies large and small who are seeking out new tools, equipment and technology and the unmatched opportunity to demonstrate how you can be a partner in the continued growth of their business.
Don't miss out on the quality leads and premium exposure you will receive by exhibiting in this unique manufacturing tradeshow connecting three industry sectors on one show floor - The ASSEMBLY Show South, The Qualty Show, and Adhesives in Action. The southern manufacturing emerging market is full of new business that you do not want to give to your competitors!
The following is included in your exhibit space:
All drayage/material handling fees included when shipping direct to show site
8’ high back and 3’ high side drape
Company ID sign
3 complimentary staff registrations per 100 nsf of paid exhibit space (example: 10x10 = 3; 10x20 = 6; 20x20 = 12)
Free admission to all Networking events, including two receptions
Free publicity & marketing opportunities
Note: Booths do NOT come carpeted or furnished
FREE marketing opportunities available to exhibitors:
Company Profile in On-Site Show Program & Exhibit Guide
Your 75-word company description along with your company name, address, phone number, website and booth # will be included in the on-site Show Program, the attendees go-to resource during and after the show (logo upgrades and advertising available).
Customer VIP discount
A personalized discount code will be provided to each exhibitor to distribute to customers offering FREE registration to attend. The exhibitor with the highest VIP code usage wins 100nsf of free exhibit space or equivalent value in sponsor dollars for 2026 Show!
Use of Show Logos & Marketing Collateral
The event logos and various online ads are available for unlimited use by exhibitors to help promote participation in the show.
Email Attendees Pre- or Post-Show
As an exhibitor, you have the opportunity to send an email directly to event attendees that opted-in to receive third-party communications. Each exhibitor can send one email before OR after the Show.
Company Press Releases Posted to Event Website
Share your news with us! Each exhibitor has the opportunity to provide one press release which will be posted to the industry news feed on the event website.
Registered Press List & On-Site Press Kits
Exhibiting companies will have access to the registered press list upon request and have the opportunity to provide press kits in press office on-site.
Contact Your Sales Manager to Reserve Your 2025 Booth Space Today!
ASSEMBLY Show South Exhibit Space & Sponsorship Sales
George Misko
Sales Manager, ASSEMBLY
CT, DC, DE, IN, MA, ME, MD, MI, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, VT, VA, WV, International 610-867-4924 miskog@bnpmedia.com
Brian McCabe
Sales Manager, ASSEMBLY
AZ, CA, CO, ID, KS, MT, NE, ND, NM, NV, OK, OR, SD, TX, UT, WA, WY 510-520-3124 mccabeb@bnpmedia.com