BARRINGTON, NJ—Optical components supplier Edmund Optics is now accepting applications for its annual Educational Award. The company will supply optical components, worth $500 to $10,000, to 45 colleges and universities for research projects in optics and machine vision.
Great advances have been made in computational fluid dynamics and flight-simulation programs. Yet, when it comes to aircraft and missile designs, no amount of modeling can replace real-world testing using wind tunnels.
Using software to optimize assembly processes is passé. Manufacturers now have the tools to ensure error-free production, increase line flexibility and minimize PC dependence.
Family-owned Altman Manufacturing Co. Inc. has built tool-and-die-cutting, fabrication and automation equipment since 1942 at its plant in Lisle, IL. Customers use the equipment to produce rubber and plastic goods that do not have a defined geometry.
Vision system integration has come a long way. With increased processing power, more powerful algorithms, and lighting and optics designed for more demanding requirements, more applications can be solved today than ever before.