TOKYO—Mazda Motor Corp.’s new MX-30 EV will get its zoom courtesy of Hitachi Astemo Co., which will supply electric motors and inverters. The compact, high output inverter is made possible by a double-sided direct water-cooling power module.
Hitachi Astemo is a global automotive supplier formed by the recent merger of Hitachi Automotive Systems with Honda Motor Co.’s Keihin, Showa and Nissin groups.
Sudhanshu Gaur, vice president of R&D at Hitachi America Ltd., will deliver the keynote speech at the 2021 Assembly Show in Rosemont, IL, on Oct. 27. Gaur is chief architect for smart manufacturing at Hitachi Astemo.
Gaur is responsible for the digital transformation of Hitachi Astemo’s global manufacturing operations to improve overall productivity and ensure the company’s continued leadership in the pursuit of its Industry 4.0 vision. He views emerging technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence and robotics as critical to achieving that vision.
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