ALGONAC, MI—Autocraft will supply American Honda Motor Co. with autonomous guided carts for material delivery at the automaker’s assembly plant in Marysville, OH.
LINCOLN, AL—Honda will invest $85 million in its assembly plant here as part of a multiphase project to improve manufacturing flexibility, strengthen logistics, and prepare for future technologies.
Lumps of coal go to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton for giving us a choice between Scylla and Charybdis. An extra lump goes to The Donald for running a campaign that set new lows in civil political discourse.
MARYSVILLE, OH—Honda Motor Co. has abandoned robotics and gone for the human touch at its new assembly plant here dedicated to producing the NSX sports car for worldwide export.
RAYMOND, OH—Honda will invest $53 million to build two new data centers here. The buildings will be home to Honda associates focused on product quality in the marketplace, increasing the company’s capability to study and respond to customer feedback more quickly and efficiently.
Automotive assembly lines have operated the same way for a century. Each worker takes charge of a single process and installs parts in vehicles as they move on a chain-driven or skillet conveyor.
TOKYO—Honda Motor Co. has developed a mass-production automobile assembly line with a main line that incorporates a flowing-cell production system. In a conventional line, each worker takes charge of a single process and installs parts in vehicles flowing on a conveyor. In Honda’s new ARC line, four workers board moving conveyor unit that carries one vehicle and a complete set of parts. The workers assemble the vehicle while moving along the production line together with the vehicle.
GREENSBURG, IN—Honda Manufacturing of Indiana is investing $52 million and creating 100 jobs at its assembly plant here. The jobs and investment will support the production of the Honda CR-V, which the company announced in January would be moved to Indiana from Mexico.
TOKYO—Honda Motor Co. and General Motors Co. plan to set up a joint assembly plant to manufacture fuel cells. The goal is to reduce the market price of fuel-cell vehicles to levels that can compete with gas-electric hybrid vehicles.