Despite advances in automation technology, the promise of productive and flexible automation, with minimal involvement of human workers, is far from reality, for two main reasons.
First, adoption of automation technology has been limited. Second, when firms do automate, what they gain in productivity they tend to lose in process flexibility, resulting in "zero-sum automation."
To gain real benefit from robotics, manufacturers must strive for "positive-sum automation," which enables both productivity and flexibility. To achieve it, companies must design technology that makes it easier for line employees to train and debug robots. They must use a bottom-up approach to identifying what tasks should be automated. And, they must choose the right metrics for measuring success. Learn more in this thought-provoking webinar.
In this webinar, you’ll learn:
The pitfalls of “lights-out” automation.
How to apply automation without compromising flexibility.
How to identify the best targets for automation.
How to justify investments in automation beyond just labor savings.
How to make automation more amenable to the people who use it.
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