CAMBRIDGE, MA—Researchers at MIT have developed a robot that can mimic silk worms and spiders and weave a cocoon-like structure with a little programming help from humans.
The Dodge Dart compact sedan differs significantly from the two other vehicles that are built at Chrysler’s Belvidere, IL, assembly plant—the Jeep Compass and Jeep Patriot sport utility vehicle.
STATESBORO, GA—A Great Dane plant that will assemble refrigerated trailers has opened for production. Expected to employ more than 400 people, the plant is equipped with automated equipment for welding, dispensing and material handling.
PALMDALE, CA—Northrop Grumman Corp. has delivered the first F-35 center fuselage produced by its Integrated Assembly Line (IAL). The IAL maximizes robotics and automation, providing additional capacity and assembly capability while meeting engineering tolerances that are not easily achieved using manual methods.