These training courses are for employees who work on the assembly line or in the office. These people are often underserved in lean training because of their high numbers, production duties or paperwork priorities.
The companies’ first joint product is "5S Workplace Organization." The five S’s refer to five Japanese principles for effective workplace organization and standardized work procedures. By following these principles, manufacturers can simplify the work environment, reduce waste, and improve quality, efficiency and safety. A workforce that has correctly applied these tools will see a cleaner, safer and more efficient operation with clearly visible processes and inventories.
"5S Workplace Organization" is divided into six modules: 5S Overview, Sort Process, Set-in-Order Process, Shine Process, Standardize Process and Sustain Process.
"We’re providing a flexible training schedule with minimal disruption to production. Training happens on an individual basison demand. The whole line doesn’t shut down so everyone can take the program at the same time. Everyone is exposed to the same curriculum in exactly the same way," says Dr. Bob Abell of Automated Learning.